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Leadership and Core Values
Does your organization have a set of core values? Are they core values, or are they simply an exercise some consultant took you and your leadership team through several years ago. I’m convinced there is a strong corollary between effective leadership and core values.
First of all, a declaration:
The core values of an organization are the promises it makes to its employees, customers, vendors and community.
When I recognized that core values,…
Read MoreLeadership as an Introvert
Leadership as an introvert looks different.
Let me clear the air: I’m an introvert. I like people, but they drain me. I’m good with names but not great. I lead well in-the-moment, but remembering personal details about our team members when I don’t spend much time with them is hard for me.
I sometimes wish I could interact with four, maybe five people at the most, and still be considered an effective leader.
Read MoreLeadership as Guardrail: 4 Best Practices
Leadership as Guardrail
“You don’t want to do that!” Uncle Dave said that to me as I opened the car door before we came to a complete stop. I’m not sure exactly what happened next, but it included me not listening to him, the car screeching to a halt, the door swinging open, a loud honking from the swerving pick-up truck next to us, and, perhaps most importantly for this 7-year-old boy, the strong arm of Uncle Dave reaching across from the driver’s side to grab me before I fell out the door and under the wheels of the truck.
Read MoreLeadership and the Butterfly Effect
Leadership Intersections
Young man, you have a way with words. I think you should be the student speaker for our junior high event.
Tell me again, why do you want to go to seminary?
I think you should be in charge – just remember that you have to be kind to the rest of them.
Read MoreLeadership Hyperopia: the good and bad of it
Leadership and Farsightedness.
According to the American Optometric Association, “Farsightedness, or hyperopia, as it is medically termed, is a vision condition in which distant objects can be seen clearly, but close ones do not come into proper focus.”
I’ve been told I think big-picture. While I don’t consider myself a natural-born visionary, I like to think in broad swaths. What could be possible? What are the big implications if we could?
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