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The Leadership Six: 6 numbers that need to be front-of-mind for every good leader
Here are the most important Leadership Numbers we need to remember: 1-3-5 and 2-4-6. Depending on the level of your leadership investment, there are two other numbers that may be important to you: 5 and 10. More about those leadership numbers in a minute. But first, the first three leadership numbers:
The first three numbers represent weeks. A good leader is purposeful about the now and the very near future.
Read MoreA Key Leadership Question: Are We Having Fun?
Bill Hybels, in his excellent book, Axiom: Powerful Leadership Proverbs, reminds me again: people should enjoy their jobs as much as they are good at their jobs. When I do a reality check with my management team and ask them how they are doing, I look should be looking for two things:
- Is the mission being accomplished?
- Are they enjoying their job?
If the mission is being accomplished but they are not enjoying their job,
Read MoreLeadership: Measure Twice, Cut Once
Before our daughter was born, I spent several years making furniture as a hobby. I would typically build one project a year: an armoire, a headboard, a cabinet, etc. I learned a lot about woodworking doing those projects, and also at least one vital lesson about leadership.
The way I got into woodworking was through a local community college. A friend of mine told me about a night class he took each fall that really only consisted of having access to a local high school’s very nice woodworking shop,
Read MoreIn Honor of National Dog Day
To Redford: now almost thirteen. Your need taught us so much about leading well and loving well.
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