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Leadership Reciprocity
Leadership Reciprocity may be a mouthful of a phrase. But it is a profoundly elegant principle.
First of all, let’s look at the Principle of Reciprocity itself. This principle means that when you do something in someone else’s best interest, they feel a sense of obligation to reciprocate. Robert Cialdini writes about this in his book, Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion. In this best-selling book, Cialdini cites reciprocity as one of six foundational principles of influence.
Read More"Thought Leadership" is oftentimes not
“Thought Leadership” is used far too often these days. Sorry for the negativity of the following blog, but I’ve got to get it off my chest.
For business consultants and professional speakers, “I’m a thought leader” is similar to saying “I’m proud of my humility.” You and I don’t get to call ourselves thought leaders. That is a label that can only be attached to us by others.
According to Wikipedia (perhaps the internet’s most-cited thought-leader!),
Read MoreLeadership And Pain
“Your leadership capacity is directly tied to your pain threshold” – Jossy Chacko, President, Empart
Read MoreLeadership Black Holes
If you are scientifically inclined, you probably know what an interstellar black hole is. How about a leadership black hole?
First the interstellar variety: found at various places across our Milky Way Galaxy and beyond, an interstellar black hole, according to the scientists, is the remains of a dead star. But not just any kind of dead star. There are a variety of stars in the universe. Many are approximately the size and intensity of our sun.
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