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The Leader's Leap
“Let’s go for it.”
“It’s now or never.”
“Lead, follow or get out of my way.”
“Nothing changes until we change it.”
“Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!”
I hope you have recited some of these phrases to yourself in the past. I hope you’ve even recited some of them to your team. I hope you’ve gone out on a limb that others may not have chosen to go out on.
Read MoreWhat's your purpose?
Find out what your purpose is. Your purpose will always involve adding value to other people’s lives. -Sam Adeyemi, Founder, Daystar Leadership Academy, Ikeja, Nigeria
Read MoreThe Leader as Force Multiplier
Two things to keep in mind if you want to be a Force Multiplier.
I got to spend an unexpected 90 minutes with two of our managers earlier this week. I had a client lunch cancel; they both were on-sight with open schedules. We compared calendars and realized all three of us had unexpected openings available. We did a “mini-audit” together by walking the facility and discussing how things were going, then we grabbed notebooks and sat at a table for 45 minutes.
Read MoreLeader: How do you need to change?
“We are shaping the world faster than we can change ourselves, and we are applying to the present the habits of the past.” – Winston Churchill
Read MoreI find myself angry. A lot. Four things to keep in mind if you are like me.
I find myself angry a lot. Not a boiling-over, in-your-face profanity-laced outburst type of anger. It is more of a low-grade fever: plans aren’t going the way they are supposed to go; things break, franchise budgets are missed, plans go awry, team members do mindless things, etc. etc. etc.
Leader, what do you do with your anger?
One of my favorite leadership books is Leadership Prayers by Richard Kriegbaum.
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