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Leading into a future fraught with change and challenges

By Andy Neillie | March 30, 2016

I recently heard a futurist talk about nine trends for the future.  The first four trends he discussed were challenging, the last five trends offered optimism.

1. Consumers in the US lack confidence. They are “bullish-but-squeamish.”
2. Baby boomers are aging and anxious.  The “young-old” are doing well, but the “old-old” are struggling.
3. Climate change is happening. Weather will impact markets and travel more and more.
4. Water scarcity is impacting millions and will grow.…

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Leadership Instincts & Anecdotes

By Andy Neillie | March 29, 2016

Leaders lead by instinct and anecdotes. The best leaders add data to support what they suspect.

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Leadership is pretty simple

By Andy Neillie | March 15, 2016

Leaders simply “clear the clutter” for their teams.

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By Andy Neillie | February 21, 2016

If you don’t like change, you better love irrelevance

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Mike, headlamps and the passion of a leader

By Andy Neillie | February 11, 2016

I’ve been a member of Recreational Equipment Incorporated for more than 20 years.  REI started out as a small mountain-climbing buyer co-op, and I was into mountain climbing in high school and college.  REI has grown to become an international member co-op with retail locations across the US and around the world, and their gear has gone far beyond ropes, carabiners and pitons.

Their equipment now even includes headlamps – incredibly bright LED lights mounted on elastic –

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5 Things to do when you can’t hire a "10"

By Andy Neillie | February 4, 2016

In his excellent leadership book, Axiom, Bill Hybels challenges us to “Hire Tens.” By this, he means that we should only hire a leader who is a “10” at their job: top-caliber in their abilities to lead and drive excellence. The fear is that, if we hire an 8, the best that person can get underneath them is a 6 or 7, and pretty soon we have 2s, 3s and 4s doing the work of our organizations.

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Mark these dates

By Andy Neillie | January 25, 2016

“The two most important days of your life are the day you were born and the day you figure out why you were born.”
— Tom Walsh, American Airlines Magazine, February 1, 2010

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The Leaders' Hour, pt. 2

By Andy Neillie | January 16, 2016

A recent blog entry about The Leader’s Hour generated some interest in what practices a leader engages to start their day off right. While not a perfect approach, here are the five things I do to start my day off well. What would you add to this list?

  • Scripture reading and reflection. For the past four years, I’ve been using a through-the-Bible-in-a-year program as part of the OliveTree bible app on my iPad.

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The Leader's Hour

By Andy Neillie | January 9, 2016

The Leader’s Hour:

  • Prioritize prioritizing.
  • Begin with the end in mind.
  • Start slow to go fast.
  • Reflect for impact.
  • Start like no one else to end like no one else.

It doesn’t matter who the leader is, they all know the same thing: leaders must spend time on their own, ahead-of-time, deciding where to invest their influence.

I call it The Leader’s Hour.

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