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Here we go: Success and Failure

What do success and risk have in common?

My wife and I own several swim schools in central Texas. Last year, we provided more than 200,000 swim lessons at our five facilities. We helped a lot of kids grow stronger and more comfortable in and around the water.  It was a very successful year of providing more lessons to more children than ever.

We also had a very risky year.  We demolished and rebuilt one of our five swim school at the same time we were building a brand new school. 

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The Golden Principles: Meet Them Where They Are

A leadership lesson from our newest dog, Traveler.

This important lesson is key as we lead people, especially in this generation. We need to meet them where they are to take them to where they need to be. We may need to meet them in their excitement, disappointment, humor, and even their shortcomings.

Leaders earn the right to lead when their followers sense they are down in the trenches with them. How will you implement this lesson in your future interactions with your team members?

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Ted Lasso is Wrong

Ted Lasso is wrong

Ted Lasso is wrong, but we still need to act like goldfish.

Fellow leader – if you’re a fan of Ted Lasso, you’ll remember the wisdom Ted shares with his “futball” athletes after every bad play or loss on the soccer field: “A goldfish only has a three second memory.  You need to be like a goldfish.  Forget the bad game and move on.”



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Mirrors Are Only for Glancing

Mirrors are only for glancing


Michelle Kazary is a life-long hair stylist. (BTW: she does great haircuts!!!) Michele’s salon, as is fitting for a stylist’s salon, has mirrors on the walls and at least a couple of handheld mirrors.  The last time I sat in Michelle’s chair, she made a brief comment about spending so much time in a salon with mirrors. She said “Mirrors are only for glancing.  Nobody should spend too much time looking at themselves.” I heard in the wise tone of her voice the recognition that people in her industry – and the whole body-beautiful movement itself – can easily become vain and narcissistic.

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Sometimes Leaders Go Last

While there are many times that leaders need to be out front, many times the best leaders put others in front of them to build their organizations and bring the best out of people.


Weight lifting


Our CrossFit gym hosts a workout on Saturday mornings that is free and open to anyone. This workout is more than a workout – it’s an invitation to the broader community to come and join us.

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Which View from the Top?

Despite the nation’s political tensions with mainland China, Taipei, Taiwan remains one of the leading business cities in all of Asia. Business moves very fast, as it does in many large cities in Asia, and during the last twenty years there has been non-stop construction activity.  Indeed, one of the early Taipei skyscrapers, Taipei 101, owned the title as the tallest building in the world when it first opened. Several years ago I had the privilege of being in Taipei for business,

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The Leader’s Hour

New Year's Dog

New Year's Dog

Did you set some New Year’s Resolutions? If you’re a leader with any sphere of influence under you, this season has been more than just a season of New Year’s Resolutions. There’s been organizational strategic planning, the setting of financial and mission goals, putting in place the structures and disciplines for success in the coming year, etc.

What type of goals and disciplines have you also put in place for yourself?

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Leaders Need Other Leaders

Weight lifting

Weight lifting

Those of us who are part of the texting group at our CrossFit gym joke about it periodically. And . . . sometimes at some level we may actually be somewhat serious about it.

I think it started after a particularly brutal 6:30 Friday night Workout-of-the-Day (WOD).

I should have known what was coming
My friend Jerry had just completed Friday’s 5:30 WOD.

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Leadership Lessons from the end of the Leash: Trust Takes Time

Drawing of a dog

In our family, we love Golden Retrievers. They ride in our car, sleep at the foot of our bed, get “bully sticks” almost daily (much to my wallet’s chagrin!), and have brought endless joy to our lives. My wife and I started rescuing Goldens a few years into our marriage, and as a result, are currently on rescue numbers nine and ten. Each one of our rescued Goldens has taught us something about love, relationships,

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