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Field workers first. Clients second. Leaders last. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.
Leader: who do you serve? Do you take care of yourself first, or do you take care of your people and/or your customers first? If you’re like most of us who aspire to be leaders “rich in character,” I suspect you would answer: “I try to serve others first.”
Drilling down even more deeply, you might prioritize who you serve: employees, then GCs, AE firms or subcontractors, the ultimate client who will use the facility,
Read MoreWho Makes The Coffee?
Is there a job that you think is beneath you? Has your education, position, title, or wealth elevated you beyond performing mundane tasks?
My friend Todd Thompson shares this story from his sales career…
My first General Agent was Whitey Thompson (no relation). Whitey was the quintessential old school life insurance man, in the very best sense of the word. Sharply dressed, always smiling, always enthusiastic, and always made you feel important.
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My friend Todd Thompson tells this story…
“My twins Annie and Emma were not quite 4 years old. The three of us were at a Home Depot in Chandler, AZ. We rounded a corner in the back of the store when I look toward the far end of the aisle. Rolling toward us, dressed in boots, jeans, a western shirt and cowboy hat is a paraplegic man in a wheelchair.
Before I can say anything,
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