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When Second Place Wins
We’ve all heard the phrase.
“Win at all costs”.
Is it true?
Or is there a different and more important win?
Earlier this month at the South Dakota Class A Golf Tournament defending champion Kate Wynja finished first again, winning medalist honors and helping her Sioux Falls Christian team secure the state championship.
Except she realized she had turned in an incorrect scorecard. Her “4” on the final hole should have been a “5”.
“I knew I needed to tell them,”…
Read MoreWhat Makes A Good Manager?
What makes a good manager?
Recently a friend of mine was reflecting on the best manager he ever had.
“While I’ve been self-employed most of my life, in those seasons where I worked for a company, Denise Birling was the best manager I ever had.
The best way I can describe Denise’s leadership is that she stayed close enough to keep her finger on the pulse, but far enough away so as not to breathe down your neck.
Read MoreLeadership…Of 9's and 10's and 3's and 4's
As leaders, do we realize the long-term consequences of failing to deal with poor performance on our teams?
Recently I was visiting with an owner of a franchise company about the training they offer franchisees. In particular, how to properly evaluate staff members.
“We tell our franchisees the goal is to have a staff of 9’s and 10’s. These are the employees who work hard, care about excellence, and are motivated to grow.
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